Best Dividend Stocks That Pay in December

As we all know, Santa’s not the only one who’s busy in December; it’s also the season when certain stocks hand out gifts in the form of dividends, and who doesn’t love a good gift that keeps on giving? I’ve been keeping an eye on the market’s benevolent side, where some stocks consistently reward their…

As we all know, Santa’s not the only one who’s busy in December; it’s also the season when certain stocks hand out gifts in the form of dividends, and who doesn’t love a good gift that keeps on giving? I’ve been keeping an eye on the market’s benevolent side, where some stocks consistently reward their investors with year-end income.

It’s a time when high-yield dividends can bring joy, not just to the world, but more importantly, to our portfolios. While I’m not one to chase yields in a haphazard sleigh ride, I do appreciate the stability and predictability that come with owning shares in companies with a history of reliable December payouts.

As we approach the end of the year, I’m considering a mix of blue-chip stalwarts, growth-oriented dividend payers, and perhaps a few undervalued gems that are ripe for the picking. Now, the question lingers: which of these dividend payers should you be eyeing to potentially bolster your own year-end income?

Stay with me as I unwrap this festive financial conundrum, and together we can discover the most promising candidates for a prosperous December.

High-Yield December Dividends

Investors seeking to boost their year-end income should consider the allure of high-yield stocks announcing dividends in December. I’ve always kept an eye out for these opportunities, knowing that they can provide a much-needed cash flow bump as the year wraps up. It’s not just about the immediate benefit, though. I’ve found that these stocks often reflect companies with a strong commitment to returning value to shareholders, which is a good sign for long-term investments.

In my experience, sectors like utilities, real estate, and consumer staples typically offer some of the most attractive high-yield dividends. These industries tend to have stable cash flows and a history of robust payouts, which is exactly what I look for when I’m aiming to bolster my portfolio’s income stream. I make it a point to research the fundamentals of these companies, ensuring that high yields aren’t a facade for underlying financial issues that could jeopardize future dividends.

I also pay close attention to the ex-dividend dates in December. It’s crucial to buy shares before this date to be eligible for the upcoming dividend. I’ve missed this cutoff before and it’s a mistake I’m not keen to repeat. Timing is everything, and in the case of dividend investing, it’s what ensures I actually receive the income I’m counting on.

Lastly, I always consider the tax implications of these year-end dividends. With different types of accounts and various tax treatments on dividends, I’m careful to position these investments in a way that maximizes my after-tax return. By doing my homework and staying strategic about my buys, I can make the most of high-yield dividends in December and close out the year on a strong financial note.

Reliable Dividend Payers

While I’m drawn to the enticing yields of December dividends, I also prioritize the track record of reliability that comes with consistent dividend payers throughout the year. After all, a high yield for one month is great, but what about the rest of the year? I need to know that a company isn’t just a flash in the pan but has a proven history of rewarding its shareholders consistently. This not only gives me a steady income stream but also a sense of security knowing that my investment is in a company that values and can sustain its payouts.

When I look for these reliable dividend payers, I’m not just chasing after the latest high-flyer. I’m searching for those gems that have stood the test of time, that have not just maintained but perhaps even increased their dividends over the years. It’s these kinds of stocks that I want to anchor my portfolio, providing a foundation of stability no matter how choppy the market waters might get.

To give you a clearer picture, here’s a snapshot of some stocks that have caught my attention with their impressive dividend reliability:

StockYears of Consecutive Dividend Payments
Johnson & Johnson58
Procter & Gamble63

These companies aren’t just random picks; they’re industry leaders with a history of financial stability and shareholder commitment. Their track records speak for themselves, and that’s why they’re on my radar, not just for December, but for year-round dividend income.

Blue-Chip Stocks for Stability

Regularly turning to the best blue-chip stocks, I find their renowned stability and long-standing market presence often make them a cornerstone for a robust investment portfolio. These companies have weathered various economic cycles and have a track record of delivering consistent dividends, which is particularly appealing as the year comes to a close and investors look for reliable income streams.

Blue-chip stocks typically represent industry-leading companies with strong financials and a history of delivering shareholder value. They’re the kind of investments that don’t keep me up at night, thanks to their reputation for being less volatile than the broader market. This is crucial during times of uncertainty when the stock market can be particularly unpredictable.

I’m drawn to these stocks not only for their stability but also for their potential to provide a cushion against inflation. Many blue-chip companies possess pricing power that allows them to pass increased costs onto consumers, thereby sustaining their profit margins and, by extension, their dividend payouts. As I plan my end-of-year investment strategy, these attributes are invaluable.

Moreover, owning blue-chip stocks can bring a sense of reassurance. These companies often have expansive global operations and diversified revenue streams, which can provide a hedge against regional economic downturns. In my experience, this diversification is a key factor in the resilience of blue-chip stocks, making them a prudent choice for the core of my investment portfolio.

As December approaches, I’m focusing on these stalwarts of the stock market to bolster my portfolio’s income-generating capacity. Their blend of stability, reliability, and consistent dividends makes blue-chip stocks an excellent option for investors seeking year-end income.

Growth-Oriented Dividend Shares

Shifting gears to growth-oriented dividend shares, I’m seeking out companies with the potential for capital appreciation alongside their attractive dividend payouts. Rather than just relying on the steady income from more established companies, I’m looking for that sweet spot where I can benefit from a stock’s price going up while also reaping some immediate returns through dividends. This strategy is like having my cake and eating it too, offering both short-term income and long-term growth possibilities.

Now, I’m not just jumping into any stock that shows a hint of growth. I’m doing my homework, and I’m particularly focused on a few key characteristics:

  • Strong Financials: I’m after companies with solid balance sheets and promising profit margins. They’re more likely to sustain dividend payments and fund future expansion.
  • Market Position: I’m looking for businesses that have a competitive edge in their industry. This could come from innovative products, brand strength, or a dominant market share.
  • Dividend Growth: I’m interested in companies that have a history of increasing their dividends. It’s a good sign they’re committed to shareholder returns and have the confidence in their business growth.

Undervalued Dividend Opportunities

As we shift focus to undervalued dividend opportunities, I can’t help but get excited about the potential hidden gems in the market. These stocks aren’t just offering high yields; they’re also trading at low valuations, suggesting they might be mispriced by the market. I’m eager to explore how these income-generating stocks could bolster an end-of-year portfolio.

Hidden Gems Yielding Value

While many investors flock to well-known blue-chip stocks for dividends, there are several undervalued companies offering attractive yields that may not be on everyone’s radar. It’s like finding hidden treasure in a vast ocean of stocks. These less prominent players often provide solid dividends with the potential for capital appreciation. I’ve got my eye on a few of these so-called hidden gems, and I’m excited to share them.

Here’s a quick look at what I’ve unearthed:

  • High-Yield Niche Players: Firms specializing in specific sectors that generate consistent cash flow.
  • Small-Cap Stars: Smaller companies with robust financials and sustainable dividend policies.
  • Turnaround Stories: Businesses under temporary setbacks with the potential for recovery and attractive yields.

I’m always on the hunt for these opportunities, knowing they can add value and diversity to my income-focused portfolio.

High Dividend, Low Valuation

Building on the search for hidden treasures in the stock market, I’ve identified several undervalued stocks that not only offer high dividends but also boast low valuation metrics, signaling potential for significant income and growth. These stocks have slipped under the radar, yet they’re ripe for the picking for savvy investors seeking a blend of stability and upside.

I’m zoning in on companies with strong fundamentals, including robust cash flows and solid balance sheets, which support their generous dividend payouts. By focusing on metrics like price-to-earnings and price-to-book ratios, I’m pinpointing those trading at discounts to their intrinsic values. This approach ensures I’m not just chasing yield but also positioning myself for potential capital appreciation. It’s a win-win scenario that’s hard to overlook as the year winds down.

Market Mispriced Income Stocks

Exploring the realm of undervalued dividend opportunities, I’ve uncovered a selection of market mispriced income stocks that present investors with significant yield potential at a reduced risk. These hidden gems have slipped under the radar, often due to market overreactions or overlooked financials. I’m intrigued by their ability to deliver consistent dividends while their stock prices remain unfairly low. It’s a scenario ripe for the savvy investor to swoop in.

Here’s a snapshot of what I’ve found:

  • High Dividend Yield: Stocks offering yields that outpace their sector averages, hinting at potential undervaluation.
  • Strong Fundamentals: Companies with solid balance sheets and cash flows, which the market hasn’t fully appreciated yet.
  • Recession Resilience: Firms with historical performance indicating stability during economic downturns, suggesting a safer bet for income-seekers.

Monthly Dividend Distributors

Investing in monthly dividend distributors can provide a steady stream of income, appealing to those requiring regular payouts for budgeting or investment reinvestment purposes. As I explore these options, I’m drawn to the predictability they offer, which aligns perfectly with my need for consistent cash flow. It’s not just retirees who benefit from this; anyone looking to supplement their income could find this strategy particularly advantageous.

I’ve noticed that real estate investment trusts (REITs) and master limited partnerships (MLPs) often distribute dividends on a monthly basis. They’re structured in a way that requires them to pay out most of their earnings as dividends, making them a reliable source for investors like me seeking regular income. But it’s not just about frequency; it’s also about sustainability. I’m careful to assess the payout ratios and the stability of the underlying business to ensure that these dividends aren’t just attractive, but also sustainable in the long run.

Moreover, some companies outside of these sectors have also started to offer monthly dividends. They recognize the allure of frequent distributions and are adjusting their policies to attract income-focused investors. I make it a point to diversify across various industries to mitigate sector-specific risks. This approach helps me maintain a balanced portfolio while capitalizing on the benefits of monthly dividend payments.

As the year draws to a close, I’m refining my portfolio to include a mix of these monthly dividend payers. I find that they not only offer a regular income stream but also allow me to reinvest dividends more efficiently, compounding my investment returns over time. With careful selection, these stocks could be the cornerstone of a robust income-generating strategy.

REITs With Attractive Yields

Turning our attention to REITs, I’m particularly intrigued by sectors that consistently offer high yields. I’ll also look at the benefits and nuances of REITs distributing dividends monthly, considering how they can bolster regular income streams. Lastly, it’s crucial to understand the tax implications unique to REIT investments to ensure we’re not caught off guard when tax season arrives.

High-Yield REIT Sectors

Among the diverse landscape of income-generating investments, certain high-yield REIT sectors stand out for their attractive dividend payouts. It’s important to note that while these sectors offer higher yields, they also come with their own sets of risks. Nonetheless, for investors focused on income, these sectors can be quite compelling.

  • Healthcare REITs: They benefit from an aging population and a steady demand for medical facilities.
  • Industrial REITs: The e-commerce boom has significantly boosted demand for warehouses and distribution centers.
  • Residential REITs: With a consistent need for housing, especially in growing urban areas, residential REITs often maintain stable occupancy rates and can offer robust yields.

I’m always on the lookout for these opportunities, especially when I’m aiming to boost my portfolio’s income as the year winds down.

Monthly Dividend REITs

While high-yield REIT sectors offer impressive dividends, REITs that distribute monthly payouts provide a more frequent income stream, which is particularly appealing as I strategize for year-end earnings. I’ve been eyeing a few of these monthly dividend REITs because they can smooth out my cash flow and bolster my portfolio’s performance. To give you a clearer picture, I’ve put together a table showcasing some attractive options.

REIT NameDividend Yield (%)
Realty Income Corporation4.5
STAG Industrial Inc.4.7
LTC Properties Inc.6.1
Apple Hospitality REIT5.4

These REITs aren’t just about the yield; they’re about consistency and reliability, making them a smart choice for my year-end income strategy.

REIT Tax Considerations

Although REITs with attractive yields can bolster my year-end income, it’s crucial to understand the tax implications that come with these investments. Unlike dividends from traditional stocks, which may be taxed at lower long-term capital gains rates, REIT dividends are often taxed as ordinary income. This means they can be taxed at a higher rate, depending on my income bracket.

Here’s a brief rundown of key tax considerations for REITs:

  • Non-Qualified Dividends: Most REIT dividends don’t qualify for reduced tax rates and are taxed as ordinary income.
  • No Corporate Tax: REITs themselves don’t pay corporate tax, allowing for potentially higher dividend payouts.
  • Deduction Opportunities: A portion of REIT dividends may be considered a return of capital or qualified business income, offering potential deductions.

Energy Sector Dividend Picks

I’ll highlight several energy sector stocks with robust dividend yields poised to boost your year-end income. When I look at energy companies, I’m particularly interested in those that have maintained or increased their dividends over time, suggesting stability and reliability—even in volatile markets.

One of the first names that comes to mind is ExxonMobil (XOM). With its size and integrated business model, Exxon has historically offered a secure dividend, and it’s currently yielding an impressive figure. I consider its dividend to be relatively safe, given the company’s track record and the rebound in oil prices.

Next, Chevron (CVX) catches my eye. It’s another major player in the oil industry with a dividend yield that’s hard to ignore. Chevron has a strong balance sheet and has been committed to its dividend, making it an attractive option for income-focused investors like me.

I’m also drawn to Kinder Morgan (KMI), a leading energy infrastructure company in North America. Their dividend yield is compelling, and the company’s focus on natural gas pipelines gives it a certain resilience, as natural gas is expected to play a key role in the energy transition.

Lastly, I’m considering The Williams Companies (WMB), which operates in the natural gas processing and transportation sector. The dividend yield is robust, and the company’s focus on natural gas, with its growing demand, makes it an attractive pick for the long term.

As I wrap this up, I’m reminded that the energy sector can be cyclical and that dividends are never guaranteed. But by choosing companies with solid fundamentals and a history of paying dividends, I’m hoping to secure a steady stream of income as the year closes.

International Dividend Contenders

Turning our attention beyond US borders, let’s explore some top international stocks known for their consistent dividend payments. When searching for year-end income, diversifying your portfolio with some international dividend contenders can provide not only a stable income stream but also exposure to different economies and currency diversification, which could be beneficial for risk management.

First up, we’ve got Royal Dutch Shell, a mainstay for dividend seekers. Based in the Netherlands, Shell has weathered the energy sector’s volatility and is known for its strong dividend track record. They’ve managed to maintain and grow their dividends over time, making them a solid choice for those looking to invest internationally.

Another one I’m eyeing is Unilever. This British-Dutch multinational consumer goods company is practically ubiquitous, with products sold in over 190 countries. Its diverse product range and global presence offer stability, and the company has a history of consistent dividend payments, making it an attractive option for income-focused investors.

Lastly, let’s not overlook Novartis, a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company. The healthcare sector often provides resilient income streams, and Novartis’s dividends are no exception. The company’s focus on innovation and a strong pipeline of drugs means there’s potential for both dividend growth and capital appreciation.

Here’s a quick visual rundown of these international dividend contenders:

  • Royal Dutch Shell (Netherlands): Resilience in the energy sector with a strong dividend history.
  • Unilever (UK/Netherlands): A consumer goods giant with a wide global reach and consistent dividends.
  • Novartis (Switzerland): A healthcare leader with promising dividends and potential for growth.

These companies are just a few examples of the many international players that can bolster the income-generation part of your portfolio. They’re worth considering as we wrap up the year and look for solid year-end dividend income opportunities.

Dividend Aristocrats to Consider

Turning our attention to Dividend Aristocrats, I’m impressed by their consistent track records in paying out dividends. These stocks not only offer compelling yields but also bring a sense of stability, especially in turbulent economic climates. I’ll now look at why their proven payout histories and performance during uncertainty make them a solid choice for year-end income.

Proven Payout Track Records

Consistently, Dividend Aristocrats have demonstrated their reliability by increasing payouts to shareholders for at least 25 consecutive years. These stocks aren’t just a fleeting fancy; they’re the bedrock for any investor seeking steady income. I’m always comforted by their history of weathering economic storms and still coming out on top with dividends intact.

Here’s what I look for in Dividend Aristocrats:

  • Stable Earnings: Solid financials underpin their ability to consistently pay dividends.
  • Low Payout Ratios: They retain enough earnings for growth, which supports future dividend hikes.
  • Diverse Sectors: Investing across various sectors mitigates risk if one industry takes a hit.

It’s these qualities that make Dividend Aristocrats a cornerstone in my year-end income strategy.

Aristocrats’ Yield Performance

Building on the foundation of their solid track records, let’s now examine how Dividend Aristocrats stand up in terms of yield performance, highlighting specific stocks to consider for robust year-end income. These companies aren’t just resting on their laurels; many offer yields that outpace the average market dividend.

Take, for instance, a company like 3M or Johnson & Johnson. Both are well-known for their consistent dividend growth, and they currently offer yields that are compelling when compared to the low-interest rates on savings accounts or government bonds. It’s this combination of reliability and performance that makes Dividend Aristocrats particularly attractive as we look toward locking in income as the year winds down. They’re the stalwarts you can count on for steady, and often growing, income streams.

Stability in Uncertain Times

Why should investors consider Dividend Aristocrats during times of market uncertainty? Well, I’m always on the lookout for stability, and these stocks are a beacon of dependability when the market gets rough. They’re the elite companies that have not only paid but also increased their dividends for at least 25 consecutive years. That’s a track record that speaks for itself and gives me confidence, especially when the economic outlook is murky.

Here’s why I lean on them:

  • Consistent Income: Steady dividends mean reliable cash flow, which is gold during volatility.
  • Proven Resilience: These companies have weathered economic storms, proving their durability.
  • Potential for Growth: Beyond dividends, there’s a chance for capital appreciation, adding to total returns.


As the year wraps up, I’ve got my eyes on a mix of high-yield dividends and reliable payers to boost my income. I’m leaning towards blue-chips for stability and sprinkling in some growth-oriented shares for good measure. I’ve spotted a few undervalued stocks ripe for the picking, and I’m not overlooking REITs with their sweet yields. Energy picks are on my radar too, alongside some solid international options. And of course, I can’t ignore those steadfast Dividend Aristocrats.

About Our Content Creators

BG Vance is a seasoned professional dedicated to guiding individuals and families toward financial freedom. With a Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) and expertise as a licensed Realtor specializing in investments and real estate, BG Vance offers valuable insights into wealth-building strategies.

This post may contain affiliate links to products that I recommend, and I may earn money or products from companies mentioned in this post. Please check out my disclosure page for more details.

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