Best Dividend Stocks That Pay in March

According to a recent report, nearly 60% of investors rely on dividend income to help cover their living expenses. As we usher in the spring season, I can’t help but think about how the right dividend stocks could alleviate some of the financial pressures that come with the time of year. Many of us anticipate…

According to a recent report, nearly 60% of investors rely on dividend income to help cover their living expenses. As we usher in the spring season, I can’t help but think about how the right dividend stocks could alleviate some of the financial pressures that come with the time of year.

Many of us anticipate higher costs from springtime activities and home improvements, not to mention the upcoming tax season. In light of this, I’ve taken a closer look not only at the best dividend stocks that pay in March, but also boast a history of strong performance and reliability. From high-yield champions to consistent achievers across multiple sectors, including energy and healthcare, the potential for these stocks to support your spring expenses is worth considering.

Join me as I explore the options that could provide a financial cushion, and perhaps we’ll uncover the right mix of dividends to freshen up your income stream just as the flowers start to bloom.

Dividend Stocks That Pay in March Overview

As spring blossoms, let’s explore the companies that have reliably paid dividends in March, potentially easing our seasonal expenses. It’s the time when we shake off the winter chill and look forward to fresh beginnings. And what’s fresher than a little extra cash in our pockets? That’s where dividend stocks come into play. They’re the gift that keeps on giving, particularly when they line up with the rhythm of our financial needs.

I’ve got my eye on several firms that have a history of paying out in March. It’s a diverse group, spanning various industries, which is great for spreading out my risk. We’re not just talking about the big names in utilities or consumer goods; there are tech companies and healthcare giants in the mix, too.

Now, I’m not just jumping on any stock with a March payout. I’m looking for consistency and a track record of not just paying, but also raising dividends. These are the companies that don’t just weather the storms; they thrive and share their success with their shareholders. It’s about finding that sweet spot between yield and stability, and there are definitely a few that hit the mark year after year.

High-Yield March Dividend Champions

I consistently turn my attention to High-Yield Dividend Champions, the stalwarts of the stock market that regularly reward investors with substantial payouts. These companies aren’t just flashes in the pan; they’ve got a history of consistent performance and dividend growth that can span decades. It’s like having a reliable old friend who always remembers your birthday with a generous gift – except, with these stocks, the gifts keep on coming quarterly.

When I’m evaluating potential additions to my portfolio, I’m not just looking for any high-dividend payer. I’m after those with a proven track record of increasing their dividends year after year. This isn’t just about the yield for today; it’s about the potential for growth tomorrow. These companies have often weathered economic downturns and still come out on top, which makes them particularly attractive when I’m planning for long-term income.

Consistent Dividend Achievers

Building on the foundation of High-Yield Dividend Champions, let’s not overlook Consistent Dividend Achievers, which may offer slightly lower yields but hold impressive records of annual dividend increases. These are the stalwarts of the dividend-paying world, and I’ve come to appreciate their steady, reliable growth in payouts that can help buffer my portfolio against inflation and market volatility.

As I scour the market for these achievers, I’m not just looking at the streak of increases; I’m also examining the health of their underlying businesses. It’s their ability to consistently generate enough cash flow to support and raise dividends that’s key. That’s why I’m drawn to sectors like consumer staples, healthcare, and utilities – industries where demand remains stable or even grows, regardless of economic cycles.

I’ve got my eye on a few names that have not only increased dividends for over a decade but also have sustainable payout ratios and solid balance sheets. These companies aren’t flashy, but they’re the kind of investments that I can count on for steady income. And that’s exactly what I need when I’m planning for recurring expenses like those that come up every spring.

Moreover, these stocks often come with a bonus: the potential for capital appreciation. While I’m collecting dividends, I’m also positioned to benefit from any stock price increases over the long term. It’s a dual advantage that I find particularly compelling.

Monthly Dividends for Stability

Turning now to monthly dividends, they provide a consistent cash flow that aligns neatly with regular monthly expenses, offering a sense of financial stability for investors. This regularity is a godsend, especially when I’m budgeting for predictable costs like utilities and groceries. It’s comforting to know there’s a steady stream of income that I can count on, month after month.

I’ve found that companies paying monthly dividends are often involved in industries with stable, predictable cash flow, such as real estate investment trusts (REITs) and master limited partnerships (MLPs). These sectors typically engage in long-term contracts or have consistent demand, enabling them to distribute dividends with confidence. This reliability is a cornerstone of my investment strategy, especially when I’m looking to cover my springtime expenses without dipping into my savings.

Moreover, monthly dividends can compound quickly if I choose to reinvest them. With compounding happening twelve times a year, rather than quarterly, my portfolio has the potential to grow at an accelerated rate. It’s a powerful advantage that I leverage to bolster my investments over time.

However, it’s essential to remember that not all monthly dividend stocks are created equal. I always do my due diligence, examining a company’s payout ratio and earnings history to ensure that its dividends are sustainable. I look for signs of financial health and growth prospects, as these are indicators that dividend payments won’t just continue but possibly increase.

Blue-Chip Dividend Stocks

Shifting focus to blue-chip dividend stocks, they’re the stalwarts of my portfolio, offering robust dividend yields and a history of financial resilience. These companies are the bedrock for any dividend-focused strategy, especially when I’m looking to cover my spring expenses. They’re generally industry leaders; the best blue chip dividend stocks with long track records of profitability and dividend payments. I find that they don’t just survive market downturns; they often thrive in the aftermath, bouncing back stronger.

I’m particularly keen on sectors that are less volatile and offer essential goods or services. Think consumer staples, healthcare, and utilities. These sectors tend to house many blue-chip stocks that have stood the test of time. For instance, a multinational consumer goods company with a wide array of products used daily is less likely to see a significant drop in demand, even during economic downturns. This stability translates into steady dividends for me.

Moreover, I pay attention to the dividend aristocrats and kings – companies that have not just paid dividends, but have consistently increased their payouts for at least 25 to 50 years, respectively. It’s impressive, and it gives me confidence in their commitment to shareholders.

Nevertheless, I’m cautious. It’s not just about the dividend yield for me. I look at the payout ratio to ensure the company isn’t overextending itself. A healthy payout ratio indicates that the company can comfortably cover its dividend payments while still reinvesting in growth opportunities.

Dividend Growth Opportunities

While I value the reliability of blue-chip dividend stocks, I’m also on the lookout for companies with promising dividend growth potential to enhance my portfolio’s income over time. Identifying these opportunities isn’t just about spotting high yields; it’s about recognizing businesses poised for sustained earnings growth, capable of consistently increasing their payouts to shareholders.

I tend to focus on sectors that are benefiting from long-term trends. For example, I’m quite bullish on technology firms that are expanding their services and increasing their market share. They may start with smaller dividends, but as they grow and mature, their dividend growth can be remarkable. Another sector I’m eyeing closely is healthcare, where an aging population could drive demand and, subsequently, dividend increases for investors.

In my quest for dividend growers, I also consider the company’s payout ratio—the percentage of earnings paid out as dividends. A lower payout ratio may indicate that the company has plenty of room to increase its dividend as earnings grow. Moreover, I look at the dividend history; a consistent track record of dividend hikes is a good sign of management’s commitment to returning value to shareholders.

While past performance isn’t always indicative of future success, I believe it’s a crucial element of the vetting process. I’m careful to balance my portfolio between these growth-oriented dividend payers and the more stable blue-chips. This way, I’m setting myself up not just for immediate income, but for a stream that could grow more substantial with each passing year.

It’s this mix of reliability and growth potential that I reckon will help fund my spring expenses and beyond, providing a solid foundation for my financial wellbeing.

REITs With Attractive Dividends

As we look at ways to cover our spring expenses, I’m turning my attention to real estate investment trusts, or REITs, known for their appealing dividends. I’ll explore sectors within the REIT universe that offer high yields, and then examine how reliable these dividends are for long-term investors. Lastly, I’ll touch on the tax implications that come with investing in REITs, as they’re quite unique compared to other dividend stocks.

High-Yield REIT Sectors

Several high-yield REIT sectors stand out as particularly attractive options for those seeking to bolster their portfolios with robust dividend streams. I’ve been eying these sectors closely, and I’m excited to share that they offer more than just attractive dividends; they provide a sense of stability in a volatile market. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  1. Residential REITs: They’re thriving due to the consistent demand for housing, with rental incomes providing a steady cash flow.
  2. Healthcare REITs: Aging populations and consistent medical needs make this sector a dependable choice for long-term investors.
  3. Industrial REITs: E-commerce growth has spurred demand for warehouses and distribution centers, making industrial REITs a smart play.

Investing in these high-yield sectors could be a strategic move to cover spring expenses and enhance my financial well-being.

REIT Dividend Reliability

Exploring the high-yield sectors like residential, healthcare, and industrial REITs, I’ve now turned my attention to the reliability of their dividends, focusing on those with a track record of consistent payouts. It’s crucial for me to identify REITs that not only offer attractive yields but also demonstrate stability and growth in their dividend distributions. I’m particularly interested in those that have maintained or increased dividends over multiple years, signaling strong operational performance and financial health.

In my analysis, I emphasize REITs with dependable occupancy rates, diversified tenant bases, and properties in prime locations. These factors often contribute to steady income streams, enabling reliable dividends. By selecting REITs with these characteristics, I’m aiming to build a portfolio that can better withstand economic fluctuations and continue to support my spring expenses.

REIT Tax Considerations

Diving into REIT tax considerations, it’s essential to note that their attractive dividends often come with unique tax implications that can affect my net returns. Here’s what I keep in mind when assessing these investments:

  1. Non-Qualified Dividends: A large portion of REIT dividends are taxed as ordinary income, not at the lower qualified dividend rate. This means I could be paying a higher tax rate on these dividends compared to other stocks.
  2. Depreciation Pass-Through: REITs often pass along depreciation deductions to shareholders, which can help lower the amount of taxable income.
  3. No Corporate Tax: REITs don’t pay corporate tax on profits distributed as dividends, ensuring that I’m not hit with double taxation like some other corporate dividends might.

Energy Sector Dividend Picks

As we turn our attention to the energy sector, I’ll highlight a few dividend stocks that stand out for their robust payouts and potential to ease your spring expenses. These companies have consistently delivered returns to their shareholders, and given the essential nature of energy services, they represent a relatively stable investment for those looking for income.

The energy sector is known for its cyclical nature, but even amid fluctuations, certain companies have maintained a strong commitment to their dividends. It’s important, however, to not just chase high yields, but to also consider the sustainability and growth potential of these dividends. I’ve done some digging and can point you toward a handful of energy stocks that have caught my eye.

Here’s a quick rundown of these energy sector picks:

CompanyDividend Yield
Chevron Corporation (CVX)4.1%
Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM)5.2%
Kinder Morgan Inc (KMI)6.5%
The Williams Companies, Inc. (WMB)6.7%
Enbridge Inc (ENB)7.3%

Chevron and Exxon Mobil are giants in the industry, known for their robust balance sheets and ability to weather the volatile oil markets. Meanwhile, Kinder Morgan and Williams Companies offer exposure to energy infrastructure, an area that’s essential for the transportation of oil and gas. Lastly, Enbridge stands out with its high yield and a track record of dividend growth.

I recommend conducting your own research before making any investment decisions. With these energy sector dividends, you could potentially shield your income from the unpredictability of spring expenses.

Consumer Staples Dividend Shares

Turning now to the realm of consumer staples, I’ll guide you through a selection of dividend stocks that can provide a steady income stream amid the rising costs of everyday goods. Unlike the more volatile sectors, consumer staples companies produce essential products like food, beverages, and household items that remain in demand regardless of economic conditions, making them attractive for consistent dividends.

When considering consumer staples dividend shares, I’m particularly keen on companies with:

  1. Long-standing dividend histories: A track record of consistent and growing payouts is a solid indicator of a company’s financial health and commitment to shareholders.
  2. Strong brand loyalty: Companies that have established brands tend to maintain pricing power and customer retention, which supports stable revenues.
  3. Diverse product portfolios: Firms with a broad range of products are better positioned to weather market shifts and maintain steady sales.

One example is the multinational conglomerate Procter & Gamble. With an expansive portfolio of household names and a history of dividend payments dating back decades, it’s a prime example of a resilient consumer staples stock. Another is The Coca-Cola Company, whose beverages are sold worldwide, providing a vast and steady income stream that fuels its dividends. Lastly, consider Colgate-Palmolive, known for its dominance in oral care, which has also been a reliable dividend payer.

Investing in these types of stocks can be a smart move to cover some of your spring expenses. The dividends they generate might not cover everything, but they can certainly help cushion the blow of seasonal costs. As with any investment, it’s crucial to do your due diligence and consider the overall health and prospects of the company before buying shares.

Healthcare Dividends for Longevity

As I consider the landscape of dividend stocks, healthcare stands out for its robust payouts, offering a compelling case for my long-term investment strategy. These companies are not just long-term performers in terms of dividends; they also provide income streams that prove resilient even in turbulent markets. I’m setting my sights on this sector to ensure my portfolio benefits from the stability and longevity healthcare investments can offer.

Robust Healthcare Payouts

Investors seeking steady income streams can find substantial dividends in the healthcare sector, renowned for its resilience and long-term growth potential. I’m always on the lookout for robust payouts, and healthcare has never disappointed. Here’s why I’m bullish on this sector:

  1. Demographic Tailwinds: An aging population means chronic demand for healthcare services, underpinning the sector’s financial stability.
  2. Innovation and Growth: Constant advancements in medical technology translate into potential for both capital gains and dividend growth.
  3. Defensive Nature: Healthcare companies often maintain stable earnings, even in economic downturns, protecting my dividend income.

I’ve seen how these factors contribute to a solid foundation for consistent dividends, making healthcare stocks a cornerstone of my income-focused portfolio. I’m confident they’ll help me cover my spring expenses and beyond.

Long-Term Dividend Performers

Delving into long-term dividend performers, I’ve discovered that healthcare stocks aren’t just for immediate income; they’re a prudent choice for enduring wealth growth. Companies like Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Merck have consistently increased dividends for decades. They’re not flashy, but they offer stability and reliability, which is gold for long-term investors like me.

I’m particularly drawn to these stocks because healthcare demand is relatively inelastic. Even in economic downturns, people need medications and medical care. This resilience translates to steady dividends for shareholders. By including these stalwarts in my portfolio, I’m setting myself up for a future where my spring expenses could be comfortably covered by the dividends these healthcare giants provide year after year.

Resilient Sector Income Streams

When considering resilient income streams, healthcare dividends stand out as a robust choice for long-term financial security. The healthcare sector often remains stable, even in economic downturns, because it provides essential services that people always need, regardless of the financial climate. This makes it a particularly attractive sector for investors looking for steady dividends.

Here’s why I’m drawn to healthcare dividends:

  1. Demand Consistency: People always need healthcare, so the demand for medical services and products remains constant.
  2. Innovation and Growth: The healthcare industry is at the forefront of technological advancements, leading to potential stock appreciation.
  3. Aging Populations: With global populations aging, there’s an increasing demand for healthcare services, supporting the sector’s growth and sustainability.

I’m convinced that these factors make healthcare an ideal sector for investing in dividends that could fund my spring expenses and beyond.

Technology Dividends in March

As March ushers in the promise of spring, technology sector dividends can provide a boost to cover seasonal expenses. I’ve learned that investing in tech companies that pay dividends can be a smart move. These companies often have robust business models and the potential for growth, which translates into a steady stream of income for investors like myself. As I review my portfolio, I notice that several tech stocks are set to pay dividends this month.

To paint a picture, here’s a quick look at some of the tech dividends I’m expecting:

Company NameDividend Yield
Microsoft Corporation0.9%
Apple Inc.0.6%
Qualcomm Inc.1.7%

These yields are a snapshot of what’s on offer and I’m eager to see how they’ll contribute to my budget. Microsoft and Apple, despite having lower yields, are behemoths in the tech industry with a history of consistent dividend growth. This gives me confidence in the stability of my income stream. IBM’s higher yield is enticing and reflects its mature position in the market. Qualcomm’s dividend is a middle ground, offering a decent yield with potential for growth.

I’m constantly evaluating the balance between yield and growth potential in my tech holdings. It’s clear that dividends from technology stocks can serve as an effective tool in managing my finances, especially as I look to cover expenses associated with the changing seasons. This March, I’m reminded that even in a sector driven by innovation, there’s room for the time-honored practice of returning value to shareholders through dividends.


I’ve run through a solid list of March dividend payers, from reliable champions to tech contenders. High-yield picks can boost my spring budget, while monthly dividends add predictability. Blue-chips offer security, energy stocks bring opportunity, and consumer staples ensure stability. Meanwhile, healthcare dividends are a play for long-term growth. These selections not only diversify my portfolio but also promise a steady cash flow. It’s time to make these dividends work for my springtime financial needs.

About Our Content Creators

BG Vance is a seasoned professional dedicated to guiding individuals and families toward financial freedom. With a Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) and expertise as a licensed Realtor specializing in investments and real estate, BG Vance offers valuable insights into wealth-building strategies.

This post may contain affiliate links to products that I recommend, and I may earn money or products from companies mentioned in this post. Please check out my disclosure page for more details.

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