13 Top Benefits of Telecommuting for Employers and Employees




benefits of telecommuting


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Telecommuting is an excellent option for employers and employees alike. There are a lot of benefits to telecommuting for both employees and employers. The future of work has changed with the uprising of the telecommuting employee. Telecommuting benefits the company by increased productivity of staff and reduced real estate costs. Employees have benefits such as lower work costs and eliminated commutes.

Whether you are an employer or an employee, there are advantages to telecommuting for both. Some benefits to telecommuting for employers and employees is increased efficiencies in productivity, lower costs for both, and also better morale. Down below, we will reveal the benefits of telecommuting that benefit both employers and employees.

What is Telecommuting?

Before we cover some of the benefits of telecommuting, it might be beneficial to define what telecommuting is. Telecommuting is the easy ability for an employee to work remotely outside of their usual workplace without having to go into that office location. This can be done through phone calls, video conferences, or by sending emails. By using a computer outside of the physical office location, employees can work from home or anywhere without the need to commute.

If you are looking for freelance work, or to make money on Upwork, the benefits of telecommuting are key.

Why is Telecommuting Important?

Telecommuting is important because it benefits both the company and the employee. Telecommuting can be an excellent solution for those who want to work from home and need to meet their companies’ standards. Employees have been telecommuting for a while, but its benefits are only now starting to be realized. A lot of contract-to-hire jobs have been remote. This is mainly because of COVID-19 and the pandemic.

Telecommuting and COVID-19

Telecommuting and COVID-19 had a profound impact on each other. Companies were able to figure out a way they could have their employees work in the event of the pandemic. This benefited both the companies and employees.

  • It allowed employers to receive work they are paying employees for.
  • It allowed company employees to stay home in an attempt to avoid catching the virus themselves.

While telecommuting had been around, the pandemic accelerated its widespread usage and implementation. More and more companies began offering telecommuting options to their employees, with the benefits being talked about in conferences worldwide.

The Future of Work with the Rise in Telecommuters 

benefits of telecommuting for the future of work

The future of work post covid has changed how work gets done for businesses. Rethinking the workplace is important because of the benefits it brings to companies and employees. With telecommuting, many employees have quit their day jobs and work from home, making for a better work/life balance. Many job seekers are looking at things such as how to find a remote job on LinkedIn as a new way to seek telecommuting employment opportunities. The rise in telecommuters has allowed for different benefits that both employers and employees can have.

Flexibility of Hours

One of the benefits that telecommuting provides is the flexibility of hours. Companies that have their employees working remotely can have them use their time more effectively. Telecommuting benefits the company because they can set the hours on when they need this or don’t need this type of work done during certain times of the day. This benefits companies because they do not have workers sitting idly throughout an office waiting for the end of the workday.

More Collaborative Work in the Future

Collaborative work, while collaboration has always been important, telecommuting benefits companies achieve this easier than ever with all employees working remotely.

There are a lot of ways how to manage a team remotely so productivity is not lost. Since most companies already utilize different collaboration tools like Google Docs or Microsoft Office Online Sync, they can easily send links to these documents while working on them remotely without worrying about everyone being in one location.

Collaborative work is essential nowadays because of the benefits it entails. Having a lot of employees working remotely benefits companies because they can easily integrate their systems with these online collaboration tools to create a better workflow and enhance productivity.

Accessibility to Employees

Yet another benefit of telecommuting is accessibility. With companies allowing their employees to work from home, many have been able to have easier access to those who might need support or want guidance on something. Employee accessibility is an advantage whether remote work vs. work from home.

This benefits both the employer and employee because now workers don’t have to leave whatever they’re doing to talk about something that can be done over the phone without physically being there in person. This benefits both parties because it allows for less interruption with actual work being completed and benefiting those who cannot leave their homes for whatever reason.

Benefits of Telecommuting for Employers [and their businesses]:

There is no question that telecommuting benefits businesses. It can be a tremendous savings to their bottom line. Below are some of the most common advantages of telecommuting for employers.

1. Increased Employee Productivity 

One benefit of telecommuting is increased productivity and morale amongst workers. Employees who work from home feel more like they are in control and more independent, leading to better results.

Employees have increased productivity by:

  • not tired from driving an
  • hour+ to work
  • more focused at home instead of the office environment that they hate
  • no office drama

2. Remote Team Collaboration

By having an online team that can work together remotely, companies can reduce downtime and increase output by maximizing their workspace. Think about how many times people have to coordinate their schedule to meet in a physical location. You don’t have that issue with your employees if they meet virtually.

Virtual meetings offer benefits such as:

  • ability to brainstorm outside of the formal work environment
  • more time for meetings with less interruption
  • can still hold meetings at the same time in case remote participants need to attend

3. Decreased Turnover

There are benefits of telecommuting for employers because it helps decrease turnover rates amongst employees. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, turnover rates can cost up to 130% of an employee’s salary. When you consider the benefits of telecommuting, it seems like a good investment for employers.

The top reasons turnover occurs in the workplace are:

  • poor benefits
  • lack of freedom
  • low pay

Telecommuting helps decrease turnover rates.

4. Expanded Talent Pool

If your company is limited by geography, your options are also limited. This means new hires (or freelancers even) could be right under your nose, and you wouldn’t even know it. There are many skills you need to be a freelancer which complements telecommuting. With the benefits of telecommuting, you will expand your talent pool and bring in the best people for the job.

With an expanded talent pool you can hire:

  • people at a lower rate versus a more expensive place of living
  • more diverse talent from all backgrounds, not just people in your immediate location

Some of the states with the most remote job opportunities are:

  • Washington
  • California
  • Texas
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Oregon

5. Improved Communication

When employees work virtually, they can communicate more efficiently through technology like Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Facetime. There’s no need to worry on leaving early for a meeting because your employees are working from a different location.

Other tools for improved communication:

  • virtual office desk
  • camera and monitor set-up for video conferencing and calls

6. Decreased Office and Real Estate Costs

One of the benefits of telecommuting is decreased overhead costs for employers. There are many ways to accomplish this, but using a professional virtual office solution is one way. This will help you cut down on the cost to maintain a physical location and provide benefits like mail forwarding and reception services for when your employees have meetings in person or offsite.

This is because so many employees are working from home or other locations instead of in an office building where real estate costs are high. For example, let’s say you have 20 employees working in an office building who telecommute 30% of the time for a total savings of 30 million dollars per year! That’s a pretty big deal when you consider all the benefits that come with telecommuting.

Benefits of Telecommuting for Employees

There are benefits of telecommuting for employers, but there are benefits for employees as well.

employee benefits for telecommuting
Telecommuting benefits for employees include work flexibility, improved health, and increased satisfaction

This may be a new concept to some, but it quickly becomes the standard practice in many industries.

1. Save Money on Commute

Not only does telecommuting save employees time each day, but it can also save them money. If your company provides transportation benefits to employees, you could be saving even more money by not driving into the office every day.

You also don’t have to buy things like expensive lunches, but rather can eat at home. Other ways to save money by not commuting are:

  • Decreased wear and tear on your car
  • You don’t have to buy gas
  • You don’t have to pay tolls or parking fees
  • Less likely to get a speeding or parking ticket

2. Work When You Want

If a telecommuter still has a flexible schedule and they want to take a vacation or go out of town, they can do so without having to worry about being penalized for it. The benefits of telecommuting can allow them to take time off when they want to and still get their work done.

3. Being More Efficient

There are benefits of telecommuting for employees because employees have more flexibility in how and when they complete their work, but it is often more efficient.

Employees that telecommute can:

  • Work when they are most productive and avoid distractions at the office.
  • Increase productivity by not having to commute into an office.
  • Be more focused without coworkers interrupting or taking up their time (This may also allow them to get more work done now in a shorter period of time).

4. Improved Health

Telecommuting benefits employees’ health in several ways. Not only do they save money on gas and car maintenance, but they also have more time to work out in their home gym. It can even be healthier for you to work from home if you are not exposed to illness or germs that come with being in the office every day.

Additionally, the health benefits of telecommuting include:

  • Decreased stress and improved mental health
  • Being more physically active.
  • Better family relationships and spending more time with their children (This can also result in benefits like improved school performance).

5. Increased Satisfaction

A lot of benefits of telecommuting come with increased satisfaction, and it is no different for employers. Employees who feel like they have more control over their work benefits both the employee and the company by improving morale and loyalty.

Employees don’t have to spend their time confined to cubicle walls or deal with being “the new kid” at the office. Instead, they can work from home and feel like they are trusted to do their job well, which benefits both the employee and the company.

6. Improved Time Management

Time management is crucial in today’s busy world! Although employees have to learn how to mute on zoom, these small leraning curve hurdles are worth it. One advantage of telecommuting is that it helps people manage their time more efficiently by working when they are most productive. This allows them to get more done in a shorter time without distractions from coworkers or other things that might come up during the day.

7. More Time with Family

Working from home can benefit employees who want more time at home with their families and need to work full-time. Telecommuting benefits workers by working their standard schedule and still having time for their family or other activities they enjoy after work hours.

Telecommuting benefits employers and employees in different ways, but both can agree that this is a smart business practice to engage in. Not only does telecommuting reduce costs for the company on benefits like insurance, but the benefits of telecommuting also allow employers to save time.

Benefits of Telecommuting for the Environment

By reducing the number of vehicles on the road, the benefits of telecommuting benefit the environment. Employees that do not have to commute also reduce their carbon footprint.

benefits of telecommuting for the environment
Carbon reduction is a benefit for telecommuting for the environment

It’s estimated that there are as many as 600 billion vehicle miles traveled a year. This benefits the environment because it reduces the carbon in the air. Climate change is a growing concern when it comes to the environment. Carbon is increasing global warming and the temperature in the oceans and in the air, which is harming our environment.

Telecommuting benefits the environment by:

  • Preserving the ice caps and glaciers that are disappearing.
  • Reducing the rate of deforestation and by protecting wildlife.
  • Increasing the air quality in urban cities that have high pollution rates.

While telecommuting won’t solve all of our environmental issues, it is a step in the right direction. It benefits both employees and employers by saving time and money for companies while also improving the environment. In today’s society, even small steps like telecommuting can make a big difference.

How does telecommuting affect society?

Society benefits from telecommuting because many benefits come with increased satisfaction. If employees are happier, they are more likely to be productive workers and feel like they have a sense of autonomy over their work.

It benefits both employers by reducing costs and benefits employees who want to work from home. It will continue to increase in popularity and benefits both sides of the employment benefits. It also a benefit that helps survive as a freelancer for many people.

Does telecommuting benefit everyone?

Social benefits are one primary reason why telecommuting benefits everyone. Telecommuting allows people to work when they are most productive, which benefits employees in the long term. They have more time for their family or personal activities after work hours, which can help improve well-being in society. It benefits employers because it reduces costs associated with benefits like insurance while also improving employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Why is it important to think about telecommuting benefits?

Telecommuting benefits significantly impact how an employer operates their business and the type of employees they hire. By increasing satisfaction levels among workers, companies can benefit from increased productivity and reduced turnover rates. Those are key to operating a successful business.

How are teleworkers organized?

Teleworkers are organized in small groups or teams. They make plans together over a group chat platform like Skype, Slack, Google Hangout, etc. This allows them to communicate with each other more easily and accomplish tasks faster.

Are there jobs where telecommuting is not an option?

Jobs where face-to-face communication is needed are better for on-site positions. Jobs like customer service, sales, and construction jobs fit into this category. Additionally, employment in transportation and warehousing, such as pilots and truck drivers, requires time on the job.

Is telecommuting beneficial for everyone?

No, telecommuting benefits can be more harmful than positive, depending on the situation. For example, if benefits are not outlined in a contract, employees may end up sacrificing benefits like paid time off or sick leave days that they would have gotten had they worked on-site. Additionally, some employees might enjoy working at their workspaces rather than working from home. Therefore, it’s important to think about how the benefits of telecommuting could impact your company before you make the transition official.


Telecommuting benefits both employees and employers in a variety of ways. For the employee, they get to work from home while also meeting company standards. On the employer side, they can save time and money on benefits like insurance or paid time off.

Telecommuting also benefits society as it helps preserve our environment by reducing deforestation rates and air pollution levels in urban cities. The future of work will continue to change drastically over the next few years, with more people working remotely than ever before.

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